martes, 3 de julio de 2012

Teeth Whitening DIY

Did I mention I am in a journey towards all natural?

I think what you eat and what you put on you have both a lot of importance in your overall health. 
So I am determined! I am taking baby steps. It takes a lot of effort, and in my case looking for the different ingredients can be a real problem. 

Last week I started experimenting with natural whitening techniques.

After doing some research I decided to go for a very simple recipe:

1 part toothpaste
1 part baking soda
2 parts water

Mix it up and get a paste. 

Brush your teeth for about 2 minutes with the paste just like if it was toothpaste. 

Use once a week for as long as you need. After you achieve the whitening you want stop and do it every once in a while.  

This is a picture of my teeth before and after the brushing. 
Same light and same place... (To be fair, there seems to be a different skin tone and different color of the lips, I do not know why... but still there is a BIG difference in the teeth)

And the teeth feel like you just went to get a professional cleaning at the dentist. 

I will post the end results in about 3-6 weeks.

What do you think? amazing right?