Lets be Creative

Influenced by this DIY era and inspired by pinterest, instructables and all those others out there I started this blog to document my journey through making stuff and living naturally. The good the bad and the ugly. Welcome!

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Cushion Pin - Organization

A couple of months ago I had to join Pinterest in order to vote for a bridesmaid dress for my friend´s wedding. I had no idea what it was or how to use it, like most people at first. I started some boards and instantly became obsessed with it.

Sometimes I just want to quit my job in order to make and do and try and cook everything that is out there but also I just loving being inspired. I do not care anymore if I actually cook all those recipes or make all those crafts; the inspiration I get from it and knowing that I can make my own stuff is truly rewarding.

I am finally a part of what they are calling “the DIY generation”.

All of this inspiration has got me to want to share. However, I have found blogging is really not that easy. It takes compromise and TIME! I still love it and plan on doing it as much as possible. Little by little I plan on sharing my experiences and my wrongdoings. It is truly exciting for me to think that one day someone out there will use an idea of mine or get inspired like I am inspired today. 

Will all this inspiration I have gotten messy as well. (I am sure it happens to the best of us). So here I was a couple of days ago at it again... trying to get my stuff organized. I felt tired of looking for my measuring tape, fabric crayon, or anything else I needed at the moment under the fabric I was pinning or cutting. 

I saw this tutorial for sewing kits and decided to make it for myself. Not as a sewing kit but as an organization/pin cushion combo. I do not have a lot of stuff (yet) so I keep it all in there. I know that once thread starts piling up I will have to find another organization method but for now it is great and I think I will always keep my "most used" ones there to have at hand. I have 2 jars, one for thread and one for everything else. 

Here are the pictures of how they turned out:

This is one of the easiest most helpful projects I had ever done! You just need a mason jar, a glue gun, and some scraps of fabric (an old t-shirt would work great).

If you see closer there is a tight one (left) and a fluffy one (right) it is because I used two different fabrics. The first a very nice cotton, no stretch. The other a jersey fabric, totally stretchy. The one in the right had more room for stuffing. 

I like the gray and red one the best. But they actually both work great and the red one looks better in pictures! 

When I am sewing I keep both close and usually just have the lid with the pins next to me. 
Another thing that I like about this is that you never "lose" the pins... Even when things are getting crazy in my table and fabric is covering everything the jar is uncovered unlike a normal pin cushion. Thank goodness for this :D

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